Delivery information
- I need my items for Christmas, when should I place my order? 🎄📮
- Where are your orders shipped from?
- Processing time through our Warehouse
- When will I receive my tracking information?
- Will my parcel be tracked?
- My parcel tracking says my parcel is ‘awaiting collection’ - where do I collect it?
Australian delivery
- What shipping service do you use and how long does it take? (Aus)
- Australian shipping costs
- Why hasn't my order been delivered yet?
- How do I track a parcel within Australia?
- Can I redirect an Australian Express parcel?
- Do you allow order pick-ups for locals?
International delivery
- Why can I only select the Express Courier delivery option?
- What shipping service do you use and how long does it take? (International)
- International shipping costs
- How do I track an International Standard parcel?
- How do I track an International Express parcel?
- Can I redirect an International parcel?